The Power of a Positive Attitude

Healthy and Happy

How do you face a new day?

Our lives each day can be so affected by the past day’s events that they stop us from moving forward in our lives.  Each day should be viewed as a new beginning, a chance to change and grasp the future. Don’t be bogged down by yesterday’s events.  Start the new day with a positive attitude, open to new opportunities to make new friends, start a new project, a day to invest in new ideas for the future.

A New Day

I am fortunate to be a person who wakes up in the morning ready to go, with lots of energy and enthusiasm.  Each day to me is about advancing, finishing a project or getting started on something new.  I look forward to each day with anticipation as I love creating and designing.  

Don’t worry about the future. 

 If you have a positive attitude, the future will take care of itself.  Don’t hanker for the past either but create your future in the present.  Life is a gift – make the most of it and don’t waste a moment of it.  Look forward, not backwards, unless it is to cherish the memories that you create each day in the present.

Tomorrow is a New Day

Decide that tomorrow will be the day for change, a new start to your future.  This attitude will lead to a new way of thinking and looking at tomorrow’s events.  Tomorrow is a new day, the first day of the rest of your life.  Face it with excitement and anticipation.

What prevents you from facing each day with anticipation? 

For many it is a lack of money. If you wish you had more money, you are not alone.  Most people don’t have enough money so life is a struggle, but it is possible to be happy with the resources that are available.  Don’t allow a lack of money to stop you from doing what you really want in life.  Money is just a means to an end.  Many people find a way to generate more than enough money, not just to survive, but to go on and live their dream and help others to live theirs as well.  And this is the key.

“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want” – Zig Ziglar