I thought I would share with you the things that I am passionate about.

I am passionate about decorating. I love decorating my home. I love creating something beautiful out of chaos (not that my home is ever chaotic).

I also like helping people.
In the past, I was fortunate that I got paid for doing what I love, which is decorating and helping people. As a professional visual merchandiser and business advisor, I advised gift shop owners on what to buy that will sell well and I helped them to display their stock. This required the skill of developing an overall plan for displaying the items bought from different suppliers and then displaying them properly so that they look inviting to the passers-by.
I was trained as a graphic artist and art teacher. I am a person who sees everything in terms of shapes, colours, tones and like to see everything in balance.

Many retail gift and homeware store owners can do with the services of a skilled merchandiser to lay out their merchandise and create a pleasing space for customers to browse and perhaps imagine what their house might look like with the items on display.
We all possess different skills and talents, some people are mathematically and/or musically minded and can easily work out measurements. Others are creative and very good at making things. They become woodworkers, designers or painters. Some have great imaginations and may become inventors or writers.
If you don’t know, you need to find your passion. It may be hidden deep within, under layers of living a life determined by others.
You need to discover your passion, believe in yourself and perhaps go on to help others discover their passion.