Wealth and Prosperity
Many of us have an uneasy relationship with money. We never seem to have enough of it yet we somehow feel that it’s not right to have too much.
However we would all like to be the person to spend Bill Gates’ money.
When it comes to wealth, we know how difficult it is to achieve prosperity and accumulate enough money to live well, though we may live in the richest country in the world.
Maybe you are looking for easy ways to make money. Many people try to find ways to make money from home or try to find the best way to invest money. You could even spend much time using a money convertor website to trade on the money market. However, investing money on the money market is not easy. The achievement of prosperity, meaning having enough wealth to live a fulfilled life without working eight or more hours per day, seems to be beyond the reach of most people. We are all aware of the wide income inequality that exists across the socio-economic spectrum that creates the wealth of nations in the western world. A fundamental problem however is the lack of understanding of the time value of money. The old adage that “time is money” only applies when you have a clear understanding of the time value of money as against the monetary value of time.
Achieving Passive Income
The best way to make money and achieve passive income is to seek money saving tips so that you can save money and then assiduously set it aside to fund passive income ideas. These are sometimes known as “side hustle ideas”. These days it is definitely possible to make money online. The side hustle can then grow, by shrewd money management, to become an ongoing source of passive income. But we all need to understand that there is no such thing as fast money.

- You never seem to have enough money.
- You feel your spending is out of control
- Money seems to slip through your fingers.
- It’s so easy to spend on your credit cards.
- You have never been able to save for a holiday.
- You don’t know where your money goes each week?
- You don’t have a plan
- You don’t know where to start.
- You keep putting it off.
If any of these statements applies to you, then you need to ask yourself why?
The simple reason may lie within yourself.
It may be that you were never taught how to budget your pocket money when we were young. Mum and Dad seemed to just go out and buy the things they needed and never talked about whether they had budgeted for the item they had purchased.
Perhaps you have never had a budget plan for your daily or weekly spending.
Budgeting is one of those things that we all tend to put off for a later date. However, if you are ever going to get ahead financially, you need a budget!
When it comes to saving money, every dollar counts. The best way to start budgeting is to create your own monthly budget. It’s not hard. You don’t even need a computer to make a budget spreadsheet. All you need is a calculator and some simple budgeting worksheets.
It’s not difficult to learn how to budget.
In this article, we will show you some budget sheets that you can use as a simple budget planner.
Why not use the coronavirus pandemic lockdown as a reason to make a new start, by effectively budgeting your money.

Wealth Management
As your assets increase, it is important to have a proper system of wealth management to ensure that you will retain what wealth you may manage to accrue.
One of the biggest problems we have today is minimizing and managing debt.
Read more about Managing Personal Debt…
The Power of Giving
Empower your life and others’ lives. Take a look at your world and see all the wonderful, positive opportunities that are out there, ready and ripe for the taking.
They have always been there, but perhaps you have been too busy with your negative mindset to see them.
In managing your money, do not underestimate the power of giving.
Read more about the power of giving
On this page we will be sharing more proven tips for building wealth for a fulfilling and happy life.