Maintaining Health and Wellness

Health Wealth and Happiness

Health and wellness are extremely important in maintaining happiness in life. 

None of us wants to be constantly consulting a physician about our health and wellness as we all know that healthcare is more about prevention than cure. 

We also know that maintaining good health depends primarily on good nutrition and adequate exercise.  

Keeping Healthy

There is no need to stress over the matter of keeping healthy.  To maintain good health, it is not necessary to be constantly visiting health food stores.  In essence, along with having adequate regular exercise, it is a matter of knowing what is healthy food and what is not healthy food. 

Healthy Food

If you can establish a pattern of eating healthy meals, you will be halfway towards guaranteeing good physical health for you and your family.  It’s not difficult to develop the habit of eating a healthy breakfast or eating healthy snacks between meals.

Exercise for Muscular Endurance

Muscular Endurance

The health benefits of exercise are very important to your overall health and wellbeing.  Following a flexibility exercise programme that includes exercise for muscular endurance can help you better manage your weight. 

To improve a sports person’s performance levels, muscular endurance training is usually recommended for increasing muscular strength.


Muscular endurance is when a muscle or group of muscles can sustain a consistent and repeated force against it over a period of time.   Muscular endurance gives the muscles stamina to endure pressure or resist any force placed against it.

Muscular endurance provides the body with the ability to maintain consistent stamina over time.

Muscular endurance can be built gradually, to enable the body to become strong and effective. The more reps the body can do of any one exercise, the greater the muscular endurance and power.

health, wealth, happiness
Fitness Exercise

Muscular Strength

Muscular strength is built gradually, by engaging in regular muscle strengthening exercises. Increased muscular strength results in a much high level of physical ability.

Read more about exercising for Muscular Endurance and Muscular Strength


The Top 5 Muscular Endurance Exercises

Exercise for Muscular Endurance

Muscle strengthening exercises help strengthen the muscles’ ability to consistently endure against increasing pressure and force. 

Long distance marathon runners require high levels of athletic exercise for muscular endurance, to stay the course.

However, by following a simple flexibility exercise program using different exercises for each day, you can greatly increase your strength and muscular endurance levels. 

muscular strength examples exercises

The long-term benefits of exercise are gained by establishing a varied flexibility exercise program, with repeated movements.

Discover the five best exercises for Muscular Endurance

food cravings


Do you find yourself compulsively reaching for a snack at certain times of the day or night?

Junk food can be highly addictive and breaking junk food cravings can cause stress and anxiety. A junk food habit can develop over time, but soon becomes an uncontrollable desire for more added sugar or craving salt foods. Late night snacking can become a particular issue.

Increased stress in your life can also lead to overeating, particularly when consuming unhealthy and addictive junk food.  This can develop quickly into what can be described as “stress eating”.

Here are some quick tips to help you get on top of junk food cravings…


To avoid last minute junk food cravings, always plan your meals ahead. To develop healthy habits, planning your meals ahead makes it easy when writing your shopping list. This way you don’t overbuy and don’t waste food.


Familiarize yourself with new ways to cook in bulk and freeze leftovers where possible, ready for use on a busy night.


Your list should include healthy food for large batches such as beans, pasta, brown rice, and quinoa as these foods provide bulk.


A balanced diet needs a variety of healthy food from all the food groups. When buying food, always include healthy snacks and monounsaturated fat foods as these are great ways to stay healthy.



Around the perimeter of the grocery store you will find most of the healthy food produce. Buy lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Read more tips on controlling junk food cravings.

Stress and the Immune System

Many people experience stress in varying forms throughout their lives.  

Stress can impact people’s lives in so many ways and not recognizing the stressors can affect the immune system, putting the body’s health and wellbeing at great risk.  This is because excessive stress can lead to feeling anxious and a major symptom of anxiety is the effect that it has on the immune system.

Not surprisingly, one of the best ways to alleviate stress and reduce anxious feelings is by laughing.  When laughing, you feel much happier and if you tend to be socially anxious, laughter will help to relax and overcome those anxious feelings.

When under stress or anxious, laughing is the best medicine, and laughing out loud on a regular basis not only strengthens your immune system, but could make you a much happier person at home.

Read more about stress and its effects on the immune system…

Boosting the Immune System

Paying close attention to health and nutrition is paramount in keeping your immune system strong.

During the current global COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to keep your immune system strong. Your body is susceptible, not only to viruses such as the Covid-19 coronavirus, but to infection from harmful bacteria. Both the flu and the common cold can easily take hold if you have a low immune system.

Read more about Boosting Your Immune System

Controlling Body Weight

Despite watching their diet,, many people still struggle either to quit smoking or to maintain a healthy BMI (body mass index). 

muscular strength activities

Read more about Avoiding Obesity

Gut Health

weak immune system

These days we are also becoming more conscious of the need to maintain gut health..

Read more about Gut Health

muscular endurance exercises

Health and Happiness

Read more about Happiness

Australian Health Advice

Australian Government Coronavirus Health Alert